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Facebook Interaction Stats

How much Facebook interaction did your last blog post received? You can see shares, likes, and commented across Facebook. This only works for an individual URL, not your whole site.

Facebook has an API (application program interface). This is a way for software to communicate with it. An API is meant to send and receive data. This is how a program would get information from Facebook. However, it is also an easy way for a blogger to quickly check the Facebook interaction for a single URL.

This means that getting access to this data is easy (and also publicly available). You just go to https://api.facebook.com/method/links.getStats?urls=YOURURLHERE.COM. You replace “YOURURLHERE.COM” with the URL of the post you want to check. So for example, https://api.facebook.com/method/links.getStats?urls=http://thesproutstudio.com/facebook-interaction-count/ will give you the Facebook interaction for this post.

Even Easier

Or, you can enter your url here and it will open in a new window.