My wife and I started a small blog & eCommerce site. I’m a web designer/developer, so I setup all the hosting and technology for the site. After a year of frequent down time, bad customer service, and 3 different companies, I finally had enough. All the problems cost us too much money and we needed to find a solution.
I used to be a Linux administrator, so I decided to create a hosting service myself. That made all the difference! We have had almost no down time and my wife gets great customer support… from me 🙂
Then we started talking to a lot of other bloggers who had the same issues we used to have. I could easily add room for other sites on our server and started hosting for a few other people. My idea was to create the same kind of service for other bloggers that my wife would expect. And that is how Sprout Studio grew, little by little.
We try to provide awesome customer service and make sure you have the best quality in hosting.
If we can help, just let us know!
Nathan Hadsall